The salvation of God through Jesus Christ

The Salvation of God

In The Curse of Sin, we see how sin entered the world and the devastation it brought. It completely changed the destiny of mankind. But God did not leave men hopeless. In his great love, he began to carry out his plan to redeem men from their sins. Here we will look at it in more details.

When Adam and Eve sinned, God prophesied that the Seed from the woman would one day crush the head of Satan who deceived Eve. By this, he meant that a Saviour born of a woman would one day destroy Satan’s work of sin and death in the world. God promised this because he loves the world. He was determined to save mankind regardless of the cost.

First, God called a man named Abraham. He told Abraham that through him the Seed would come one day to bless the nations. Abraham believed God and so from one man, the Jewish nation of Israel was born. Then the Law of God was given to the Israelites through a Jew called Moses. Along with the Law came numerous instructions on the way to atone for sins committed by the people. For the Law required that sins could only be forgiven through the shedding of blood.

In other words, the innocent must die for the guilty in order for sins to be forgiven. So from the 12 tribes of Israel, 1 tribe was chosen to minister to God in this matter. But only the priests chosen from among this tribe were allowed to offer up animal sacrifice for sins. Nevertheless, this was only a temporary arrangement because the blood of animals could never completely cleanse away sins. It was a foreshadow of the sinless Saviour that would come one day as a sacrifice to atone for our sins.

In preparing Israel for this Saviour, God raised up prophets in different generations who foretold specific details of his coming and how he would suffer and die for the sins of the world. These prophecies, numbering a few hundreds, were fulfilled when Jesus Christ was born some 2000 years ago in Israel through a virgin girl called Mary.

But Jesus was no ordinary Man. He is the Son of God, who existed before the world began, having the same divine nature as God and equal to God. To save mankind, he took on a physical body so that he could taste death and die for the sins of the world. For the justice of God demands that the innocent must die for the guilty in order for sins to be forgiven. This was what Jesus did.

At the appointed time for him to die for sinful men, Jesus was betrayed by one of his twelve disciples and arrested. The religious people of Israel and the elders handled Jesus over to the Roman authority to be trialed but the governor could find no wrong in him. He committed no sin, yet the leaders of Israel demanded that Jesus be put to death because he claimed to be the Son of God.

The voice of the people who wanted his blood prevailed and the governor had Jesus flogged and ordered him to be crucified. This was the most cruel of punishments that the Romans used to put criminals to death. So, like an innocent Lamb that was sacrificed, Jesus’ blood was shed and he died brutally on the cross to complete the payment for our sins.

But that was not all. To declare and prove his divinity and power as the Son of God to redeem us from our sins, Jesus overcame death and rose on the third day. After his resurrection, he appeared to more than 500 disciples over a period of 40 days. Then he ascended to Heaven to take his place at the right hand of God.

This was the price that God paid to redeem mankind from sins. He sacrificed his only Son, the innocent one, to pay the price for the guilty one, which is us. This act of obedience by Jesus to lay down his life for sinners paved the way for God to restore mankind and the world condemned by sin.

First, anyone who repents of his sins and believes in Jesus Christ receives forgiveness. His past sins, no matter how many and how wicked, are forgiven and taken away. God cancels all the written judgement that stood against him and declares him righteous in his sight.

He now stands before God as though he has never sinned. In this way, God sets him free from the second death, which is eternal punishment in hell. As a result, he can now look forward to a life with God forever. He will also receive a new body that will never decay or die again, in the future.

Second, to those God forgives he also gives the right to become his children. In this way, God restores the relationship that was broken because of sin and adopts those who believe as his sons and daughters. Now they are reconciled to God and could come near to God anytime in prayer and he hears.

As his children, he takes a special interest in each one and cares for them. Although no one can see God the Father now, his children will see his face and dwell in his presence one day, when he restores paradise to men (see point 5).

Third, those who believe are no longer under the Law. This is not to say those who believe no longer need to obey God’s Law. Rather, they are now free from the Law that brings a curse on those who do not continue to live by it perfectly.

Jesus Christ took the curse on the cross so that those who believe will not be condemned. They have been released from living by the Law to living by faith. In this way, God sets sinners free from the Law that they could never hope to fulfil because of the sinful nature. Instead, he puts those who believe under Grace so that they could live by his power. We will see how God does this in the next point.

Fourth, God deals with the sinful nature by giving those who believe a new life. He breaks the power of sin that controls a person and releases him to live a life in righteousness. It is like being born-again with a good nature in him to do what is right and pleasing to God.

What actually happens is that the Spirit of God (Holy Spirit) comes to live inside him to transform him and to give him victory over sin. Although the sinful nature still exists within him, it is no longer in the driving seat. Instead, the Holy Spirit is in control. He prompts him to stay clear of sin and to do what is right. In this way, a person living by faith and obedience overcomes sin by the Spirit of God that dwells in him.

Fifth, God will restore perfect paradise to men one day. This present earth and heavens will eventually be destroyed by fire some time in the future. Then he will make a new Heaven and a new Earth, where there will be no more death, mourning, crying or pain. Those who believe and obey him will live with God in this paradise forever.

Sixth, Jesus Christ releases those who believe him from Satan’s influence and power. They no longer come under the dominion of Satan to do his evil will. Instead, they are set free to do the good and perfect will of God.

This however does not imply that a believer can never sin or be tempted to sin. Rather, he can now resist Satan and do what is pleasing to God. As for Satan, his destiny is sealed. He will be bound and thrown into the Lake of Fire (hell) to suffer forever.

Thanks be to God for his great salvation! Through Jesus Christ, he has now given men great joy and a living hope in this present time and in the age to come, eternal life with him forever!